
Latest report shows global Win Phone growth, strong Nokia comeback in the UK

Samsung ATIV S

Latest figures published past market place inquiry grouping Kantar has revealed that Windows Phone is on the rise across the board, excluding a number of markets where sales remain low. The Nokia Lumia 920, HTC 8X and Samsung ATIV S are all high-end smartphones that will be pushing the platform forward in 2022 with potential marketshare proceeds in multiple locations, but how has the platform progressed through 2022?

According to supplied data, Windows Phone is standing to grow in a number of markets, comparison marketshare of Nov 2022 and the aforementioned period the previous year. Italy once more saw the highest increase at 8.2%, while Great Uk of all markets came in 2nd with 3.4% (largely down to Nokia'due south Lumia efforts), merely behind Android. The platform is yet evidently lagging behind, but it's definitely taking strides.

Kantar Marketshare Chart

The data does not reflect launches of hardware by supporting OEMs, since we're closing at November which is when Windows Phone viii was officially released. We'll be waiting for data that'll include the festive holidays with the ATIV S beingness made available, equally well as the Lumia 920 exclusivity coming to an end in the UK.

But not all is rosy in the marketshare table as both Deutschland and Brazil reported drops of i.4% and 1.8% respectively. Again, this is earlier we take into account the latest hardware, but it does show a slowdown with the thwarting acquired by the non-upgradable-to-Apollo Windows Phones that were released earlier this year. EU5 as a whole (France, Germany, Italy, Espana and the UK) saw an increase of 2.1% for Windows Phone.

In the Us, Android took a battering while iOS regained some ground. Google's platform barbarous behind Apple with a reported fall in marketshare of virtually 11%, while Windows Phone enjoyed growth of It's minute, but we'll take it over a sudden driblet that Android experienced. The US may exist switching to an iOS dominated market, but Europe remains on Android's side of the contend.

Kantar Data

Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, had the post-obit to comment on the performance of Windows Phone:

"Although Windows sales in the Usa remain subdued, Nokia is managing to claw back some of its share in Great britain through keenly priced Lumia 800 and 610 prepay deals. The next catamenia will prove crucial in revealing initial consumer reactions to the Nokia 920 and HTC Windows 8X devices.

Nokia continues to detect it tough to concenter younger consumers in Dandy Britain. Over the past half dozen months, just 28% of Nokia Lumia 800 sales have come from under 35'due south, compared with 42% of all smartphone sales. With the Nokia Lumia 920 being 1 of the few handsets available on EE 4G, new tariffs may help to change this by alluring early adopters in the coming months."

Is it looking positive for Windows Phone? Sure information technology is, merely we'd similar to see some updated figured post-New Yr to actually see how the new hardware is performing in retail and operator stores beyond the globe. 2022 will exist a defining yr for Microsoft. With the upcoming launch of its Surface Pro Windows tablet, Windows Phone will be closely marketed alongside Xbox and Windows viii in effort to drive momentum.

Be sure to download the data (PDF) from the Kantar website.

Source: Kantar


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