
how to add a title in premiere

How to use transitions, titles and effects in Adobe Premiere Pro? Below is part three of our ProfileTree series explaining a range of Adobe Premiere Pro essentials.

Premiere Pro is one of the most popular pieces of video editing software in the world as a very large number of people use this particular video editing software to produce YouTube videos, marketing videos, advertisements and more.

Our video shows how to add transitions, titles and other effects to your Adobe Premiere Pro video with ease.

How to Create Titles on Adobe Premiere Pro

What is a title on Premiere Pro? A title within a video is the opening screen of a video. Usually this tells the viewer what the video is about, perhaps even the company who produced the video or its creators name.

For example in the video above instead of having an opening animation we could have a title opening screen. This would include the name of the video, ProfileTree's logo and a still image from the video (see below for an example).

Using titles in Premier Pro

The above image is a simple example of a title. It shows an image, a title and who created the video. The image allows the viewer to understand the topic too.

To create a title? All you need to do is go to file at the top of the left hand side of the screen. Within file go to new, which will open a drop-down with a feature called 'Legacy Title'. Click on this legacy title and a new popup should show called 'New Title'. Rename this title to something to suit. Click on 'OK' and a new window should appear. This is where you start to create your title.

File → New → Legacy Title → New Title → Rename Title → OK

Within this window you have access to a number of features such as text, selection tool and a few others. Inserted text can be edited easily using the features at the top of the window. You can edit the size, font, layout and more. It is very similar to the likes of Photoshop and even Microsoft Word. So if you're familiar with these it shouldn't be too difficult. You also have the option to move the different features.

To make the text follow a certain path, choose the path type tool. This will allow the text within the title to follow that path. To the right of the screen there are many more options to edit the title, all of which are very straight-forward.

Adding Effects to Your Title

You can also edit your title with effects. When added to your timeline, you will see that your title clip will have a horizontal line that moves. There is also an FX button. Right click on the FX button and three options will appear, 'Motion', 'Opacity' and 'Time Remapping'. All of these options are different effects.

The horizontal line talked about above helps with these effects. It allows you to set different effects such as opacity to start the title with a different opacity, when it finishes. To use this line accurately, click and use CTRL at the same time. A plus sign will then show and click. This creates a point and you can create others by clicking elsewhere on the line. Drag the line where you want it to be and then create the effect you want. The opacity effect was used in the above video. You can also right click on this to choose between numerous other options on how the effect works.

FX Button → Motion/Opacity/Time Remapping

Opacity → Click & CTRL →   Click when plus shows → Drag Line

You can also go to effects, then search for dip and add it to your clip this way. The way the effect is used above, it has much more flexibility. From the search bar in the projects window, there're many other effects you can use and change in your video, such as the colour, key-frames, audio and other video effects.

Scene to Scene Transitions in Adobe Premier Pro

Scene to scene transitions are very important to every video. If they're not done correctly or neatly, then the video would look messy and could result in the loss of viewers and shares.

To create a cross dissolve, search for the feature in the projects window. The cross dissolve should appear and all you need to do is drag and drop the effect in between the two scenes that you want transition. You can then edit the cross dissolve on the timeline to make it longer or shorter depending on your needs and preferences.

There're a number of other transitions you can use such as a page peel, a wipe and much more. Just use whichever transition is best suited to your video.

Want to learn more from Adobe?

Colour Grading and Masking – Using Timeline and Workflow – Colour Grading and Correcting – Video Editing – How to Render and Export

how to add a title in premiere


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